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Not sure if you read these Jonesy, but when it comes to Willow.. Directly from a very southern Georgia girl... please don't do that with her dialogue hahaha I'm not sure if I find it offensive or what, but it's definitely very cringe worthy hahaha I love your stories to death but yeah. All the attempts to phoneticize her accent as well as the, what? corrected speech in parentheses removes me from the story. I already read with my accent in my head which makes it a train wreck to get through hahaha ;)

Ha! Sorry if it ruined the immersion of the scene. To be honest, I hesitated to write it out that way for just that reason. I got mixed reviews from my "test audience", so I said screw it and left it in. 

Trust me, I meant no disrespect. This is the way my entire family talks. It's *supposed* to be a more mid-Atlantic country twang. I know you guys down in GA sound a bit different from us in NC, TN, or VA. Either way, if I missed the mark, or worse, made it more of a distraction than a cute dialect thing, I apologize. I love Willow's character and I really DO love the Southern/country accent - I think it's sexy as hell, so I also hope you're not offended by my clumsy attempt to bring it into my story. The last thing I wanted was to make it a Hollywood caricature we've all heard and grumbled about our entire lives.

Thanks for reading my stories. I'm glad you're liking things so far regardless of accents, phonics, etc. Thank you so much for saying something. I need this kind of feedback! I may go back and adjust things a bit when I release chapter 3 just to tone it down a little.

Anyway, thanks again! Now back to working on Ch5 of NYD!

It's funny cos reading Charlie and Bobby I always assumed that they had southern-ish accents on how you already write them. Things they say are very southern. Like Booby calls her "darlin" and stuff. Some stories I can just tell the accent. Like if they are Canadian or English, by how they are written. I felt your stories took place between my state, Georgia (maybe Florida) and Virginia so that's funny you say that haha Honestly I do like Willow. And you did such a wonderful job with this chapter, I just want it to keep going. I'm definitely looking forward to New Years continuing as well. Not to sound weird but your stories are a personal pleasure to read and I def plan on supporting them as much as I can. The more I think about it, it's not really offensive, just cringe and rough and I did have to skip some of it ;/ None of it kept me from enjoying the story or made me want to stop. I'm too hooked on these to just drop them over something silly like that. Hope you're doing good btw and thanks for the reply You rock Jonesy! <3

That's actually very cool. I never considered that my writing "voice" had an accent. I guess I didn't realize how my use of vernacular also carries an inherent accent. I guess I used a sledgehammer to get my point across when I could've just given it a nudge with a finger instead and gotten the desired result (I have a tendency to do that from time to time). I'll keep this in mind going forward. Thanks again!

Read all three so far love the content, Will you be working a path to incorporate them all together?  I know this one starts prior to the other two but the timeline is not laid out yet. Keep up the good work.

Awesome. I'm glad you liked them all! Outside of a couple of cameos, I don't currently have plans for a big crossover of any kind, but if a story idea pops into my head at a later date that involves both casts, then I may change my mind. I definitely don't want to share the girls at all, though.

Agree not share more of a cross path like you had in the bar meeting Charlie. It was a good time in, plus seeing Becky in it as a tie in was great. Maybe everyone meeting in Cali for the con or something it makes you want the earlier stories to continue while hooked on the current one

I love music (I did wrote a few songs myself in the days). I'm 71 so the road trips, the festivals... it reminds me of the good old days. Having played your 2 other games, I had an idea of where it was going, but that's my favorite so far. The story is engaging, the characters are well defined and, obviously, Charlie is lovable. Great start; eager to see what comes next. 


 Any hscenes yet? Looks good

(1 edit) (+1)

This VN is very story-rich, so there's a lot of story to get through before any spicy stuff happens. There's a definite build-up happening, but (small spoiler below)

things do get a little spicier toward the end of chapter 2.

(3 edits) (+1)(-2)

These images certainly rekindle warm reminiscences in both heart and mind of the wonderful story and characters of "Christmas Eve". That is in no way meant to imply any reservation on my part concerning originality or future success.

For should that even be the case, we all know by now that we can surely expect no less than another totally enchanting and irresistibly endearing story, expertly and lovingly crafted by a creator already proven to be immensely talented and relentlessly dedicated to his art, his craft and most assuredly, the satisfaction of his audience. 

I feel absolutely sure that in "A Siren Song" Jonesy will be setting sail, with all of us, I feel sure, once more eagerly crowded aboard, on a markedly different voyage of discovery to that upon which we all originally embarked aboard its illustrious predecessors.

I therefore look forward unconditionally to what our maestro is once again composing for us all, hopefully too, as intended, in good time to make next year's St Valentine's Day even more memorable for us all.