Siren Song Progress Report - 5/24/24

Holy cow! It's the end of May already? As Charlotte would probably say, "Beach season is upon us!"

OK. Sorry folks, but I gotta walk things back a bit. Was I drinking when I said end of June? Maybe so. Also, I hit a little snag in production. I got hung up on a scene and I had to step away from it this past week, so I didn't get that much done.

 I came to the realization that I didn't like the scene and that I should scrap it and go in a slightly different direction. It felt forced and then as I thought about it, it didn't fit the story very well anyway, so yeah - toss it!

This is always a bittersweet realization. On one hand it's good because I know I'm making decisions that will make the overall story better, but it also makes me feel like I'm wasting time. I spent hours creating a scene, NPC's, a script and all that just to scrap it. It's a bummer. Granted I can use the scene and/or NPC's later, but can be a little frustrating.

I think I need to constantly remind myself of a couple of things. One is that this is all part of the process, even the time spent away from the computer to recharge is part of the process. The other is the fact that you folks are always telling me to not get hung up on self-determined deadlines. To slow down and make sure it's done right. You all are of course 100% correct!

I think I've decided that this chapter will cover two days. Day one is going to be really cool. For one thing, it's Charlotte's birthday, so that will be the main focus of that day, but it's also  going to go a bit more into fleshing out the characters - their backstories, motivations, wants, needs, personalities, etc.  The second day will be really fun too. It's going to be setting up the story for the foreseeable future.

I guess with time flying by as fast as it is, I'd say end of July is a much more accurate estimate of when I could have this chapter released. I'll do my best to beat that estimate, but rest assured that I won't rush or otherwise sacrifice the quality of the story or the images to meet that deadline.

Thanks to everyone for your patience. I'll keep you all posted on my progress. In the mean time, take care of yourselves and each other.

Love y'all!

~ Jonesy

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Hey, Jonesy.

It’s of course a little bummer that there will be a delay, but I would rather have top quality scenes from you.

Yeah, people are right, you shouldn’t get hung up on scenes, but that's easier said than done. Speaking from experience, I didn't write a lot either the last couple of days.

I’m still looking forward to all your AVN and if you want to chat sometime again over discord, you can hit me up whenever you want. I just might need a bit of time until I can respond. I enjoyed our last chat a lot.

I wish you good luck with your projects, cya.