New Year's Day(e) - Progress Report 8/2/24


                                                                                                 Look at that face! She just wants to be loved!

Kaylee, I'm so sorry for letting you hang in limbo for so long, sweetheart! We'll get you sorted out really soon, I swear!

That's right. Now that I'm done with Chapter 2 of Siren Song, it's time for the pendulum to swing back to New Year's Day(e). 

I have to admit, I have written and re-written the opening scene of Ch5 at least 4 times. I have found it to be a difficult conversation to have in my own head, so I hope that whatever makes the cut translates this difficulty well. 

So, as I mentioned before, Ch5 is going to be a sort of turning point in the story. Things feel like they are going to start snowballing (that's what she said). There are lots of loose ends that need to be tied up and that will start happening in this chapter. I mean, ch5 takes place on Dec. 30th, which means the New Year's Eve party will be the next day, and the day after that is...

Yep, we're into the back half of this tale. If you're still following along, I thank you for your continued interest, as well as your trust that I can actually pull this thing off! And for all of you that are sad to see them go, after all is said and done for New Year's Day(e) I do have plans to write some short stories about these characters, so just because this story will be ending, doesn't mean we won't ever hear from them again.

I honestly can't wait to see how it all turns out. I have the basics of the story planned out, but I never know what kinds of twists and turns these characters will take along the way until I start rendering and writing.  I just hope you all think it's as fun and interesting as I do.

On a side note, I have found a new job, so that will most likely impact the speed at which I'm able to get the next update out. As soon as I get a feel for my new work/AVN balance, I'll be able to more accurately predict a possible release time frame. For now, it's way too early to even guess, but I'll try to have Ch5 out by New Year's Eve (preferably before).

I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Until next time, be safe and take care of each other!

Love y'all.

~ Jonesy

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