New Year's Day(e) - Progress Report 8/16/24

Hey Everyone!

Just letting you know how things are going.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I started a new job. The good news is that the job is going well so far and seems like it will be a good fit for me. It is a far less stressful environment and the money is better. The bad news is that onboarding/training has taken up the majority of my time and mental space for the past three weeks or so. But, now that things are calming down and becoming more routine, I'm able to focus on more important endeavors: creating pervy AVN's. 

Speaking of...I swear I've rewritten the opening scene to chapter 5 about a dozen times. The other day, it finally clicked. It's gonna be a good start to the chapter and the renders are looking good. I am really optimistic about this chapter. A lot is going to happen in this one.  I know I say that about every chapter, but this is the beginning of the end!

We'll see how quick my progress goes now that I'm working again, but I am hopeful that I can get this chapter out before Christmas. That said, I'm not going to rush and sacrifice quality for speed. I have a bunch of coding things I want/need to learn in addition to all the regular writing/coding/rendering work (add a gallery, make choices affect future events, etc.). If anyone wants to help me figure any of this stuff out (especially the gallery), please drop me a line on Discord.

That's it for now. I'll try to post another update in a week or two.

Until then, take care of yourselves and each other!

Love Y'all!

~ Jonesy

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Congratz on the job! I'm sure with time and patience the next chapter will be great :)

Thanks! I'm actually putting the finishing touches on the opening scene right now. It's looking good!



Your games are fantastic and beautiful also the stories, but dont stress the games. Best regards. Pierre. M.